His health management will come into play though, so mastering these abilities will be very important to winning fights. Speed is helpful in and out of combat, so at least personally, you should be able to get value out of all of his abilities. His ability to get around the map and get to places first means he often has the best pick of the loot and is able to make some truly insane rotations. If you want to make plays and win fights quickly, Octane and you are a match made in heaven. He is classed as an Offensive Legend alongside Wraith, Bangalore, Mirage, Revenant, Horizon and Fuse.
These combine to make Octane the most mobile hero in the game and a dizzying opponent to go up against. Octane, like every other Legend, has three abilities: Swift Mend (Passive), Stim (Tactical), and Launch Pad (Ultimate). Learn all about Octane's abilities below, along with his backstory and some useful tips and tricks to get the most out of the speedster. Do you love to be a playmaker who can spin circles around your opponents in Apex Legends? Octane has always been the option for that but has recently seen a huge resurgence, with his usage rates skyrocketing up the charts - and it doesn't look like his recent nerf with the Apex Legends Evolution patch notes will do much to curb his dominance. Want to learn how to win games as Octane in Apex Legends? Well, that depends.